"Her assisted exit is hilarious" -Berkshire Edge
"In a standout, three-dimensional performance, Pietrangelo reveals, through movement and line delivery, all the shades of Cath’s personality."-Daily Gazette
"The most stable person is Cath. Thanks to an endearing performance by Elizabeth Pietrangelo, the actor manages to make her both responsible and dreamy."- Troy Record
"Pietrangelo is the pivotal character on the stage. She is the angst, the anguish, and the motivator."- Nippertown
"Pietrangelo is versatile and outrageously funny as Suzette, transforming from slovenly cook to sultry model/actress as she is mistaken for Suzanne. At the show's peak, she keeps her head level as, simultaneously, Robert and Bernard both lose theirs as they watch their respective, yet interwoven, web of deceit unravel." MetrMag
"In a heartbeat, the mood shifted from high-jinx humor to powerful drama, DeMarco's confession displayed remarkable acting versatility by Pietrangelo that kept the audience spellbound." Lake George Mirror